
Principles of church growth III

There are some principles of church increase and by adopting them a church can maximize its reach with in the society and lead towards the path of the increase. First of all in this series is the indigenization. It the process through which the churches get the direction in which they have to go to achieve the increase. Oris In the process, the Barnabas and Paul have left numerous indigenous churches under the leadership of the elders whose main aim is to guide the other Christian churches towards the path of success and development. These elders who lead the church were mostly from with in the church, a portion of clergy or so.The open gospel has played one of the major parts in the history of the church growth. The closed gospel is the one which saw Christians as the Jews, who have seen Jesus as the compromised savior. Similarly, it demands anyone who wishes to be a Christian to become a Jew first of all. Through this has later become a lot of concern for the early Christians and they have as well criticized it. The open gospel did not have any such criteria. It demands every Christian to look at the world with the simular attitude with which they look at Christians. Consequently, it spreads the idea of the love and equality.The next idea is of follow after up. The follow after up is a kind of the concern for the people and society in which a Christian church after teaching to a particular sect of people Rado Watches looks back to see how much has it being successful. In this way, it can also judge the benefits the individuals are reaping with the teachings of the church and likewise in what notion the ideas Christian Dior of the Christian church are perceived. Similarly, it is likewise crucial for the church to do a follow-up to assess how successful the practices of the church have been and in what effect they are bringing changes in the society. Too, if the mortals are facing some problems in implementing the ideas of the church, the Christian church could always look back and help them.Discipleship is the concept through which a church teaches the society and selects few disciples to work within the church and give them a chance to learn more and spread the knowledge in the future. It is the process through which a Christian church selects the next generation mortals from the society itself to spread the teachings to the world and guide the society through the path of spirituality and fulfillment. Hence, it is the task of the church to select some and make them disciples by giving them training and Christian Dior Watches imparting the knowledge that will enable them to fulfill the task of the Christian church.Sovereignty of the Christian church is the philosophy which deals with the notion that tells that Christian church is the sole authority in itself. The the Lord has given it the authority to fulfill its tasks. God is the last authority who approves or rejects our deeds by analyzing them. The church is considered as the vehicle which works toward what is ordained to it.

