
Homeowners can Save Money through the use of the Home Energy Watchdog from EcoDog

Across the Country we are air swimmers seeing a boost in electricity rates, which also means monthly expenses are on the air angry bird rise. Some areas are installing Smart Meters to help consumers decrease these expenses, however their utility-friendly design is not giving homeowners all the information they need. EcoDog has invented a home energy watchdog system with a consumer-friendly design which gives people the capability to lower their energy expenses by 15-25% or more each month!FIDO Home Energy watchdog Monitor from EcoDog offers a new level of visibility to electricity consumption that gives people unprecedented power over their energy usage with specific room-by-room views of where their energy dollars are spent. A Computer or in-home monitor plainly shows actual-time use with excellent precision and circuit-by-circuit detail, alongside your utility's price structure to ensure that householders can opt to use energy at cheaper rc flying shark times of the day. Because utilities have already begun to roll out Smart Meters with complex time-of-use billing schemes, the financial savings that result from EcoDog's comprehensive FIDO real-time home energy watchdog will be even more dramatic.Using patented algorithms, the FIDO home energy watchdog program displays suggestions of methods by which the consumers can lower their electricity bills. Consumers can identify where they are using the most electricity and pro-actively make cost-saving changes. Consumers will also take pleasure in knowing they are effectively doing their part to decrease co2 emissions and, because of this, slow the effects of climate change. By decreasing demand at peak times, utilities and generators have the ability to relieve stress on the electrical grid and concentrate on cleaner electricity production techniques. For example, Mr. Smith might look at his FIDO home energy watchdog system and observe that running the dishwasher at 10:00 PM instead of 6:00 PM every night will save him money as rates at 10:00 PM are lower than those at 6:00 PM as a result of his utility's new Air Swimmers Time-of-Use rate structure. When Mr. Smith is not so pro-active, there are also personalized GridSmart(TM) savings recommendations, which automatically estimate savings suggestions so that Mr. Smith has the ability to make changes like this around the house and around the clock. Not only does Mr. Smith's monthly electricity bill decrease, but stress on the utility to provide energy for everyone during peak times also decreases. Both the householder and the utility receive the benefits!The FIDO home energy watchdog system is also compatible with alternative energy generation including solar and wind. Consumers with these systems will finally have the ability to measure their power production alongside their consumption, enabling them to see net metering in both dollars and KWHrs. Residential and small business proprietors can show off their savings and reduction in carbon footprints to all their neighbors and customers. Get your FIDO home energy watchdog system today by contacting an EcoDog representative.

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